Welcome to the Reception Class page.
This is where you can keep up to date with our learning.
Below you can see the very important reminders for Reception Class, that will help your child to feel settled.
Teachers: Monday - Wednesday: Miss Gallagher
Wednesday - Friday: Mrs Bowles
Teaching Assistant: Miss Thomas and Mrs Harris
HLTA: Mrs Moulden
PE Day
PE will take place on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes in their PE kit on this day. PE kit is plain black jogging bottoms, a black zip hoodie and a plain white t-shirt.
Reading books will be changed once a week on your child's reading day. Your child's reading day can be found on the inside cover of their reading record. Please read with and to your child everyday for around ten minutes.
Please return your child's purple home-school book every Monday so that we can add the new activity.