St. Clare's Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

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Year 1


Welcome to the Year 1 Curriculum Page

This is where you can keep up to date with our learning. 



Mrs. Friis is  your class teacher. Miss Berry  will  be supporting you in the classroom and Mrs Moulden will work with you on a Tuesday afternoon. 

PE Day

PE will take place on a Tuesday - please ensure that you come to school in your PE kit. 

Forest School

Thursday morning is our allocated time in our lovely new outdoor classroom, so you will need to make sure that you have a waterproof coat and wellies in school on that day as we go out in all weathers.


Reading books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned on a Thursday. It is expected that children read every night and an adult signs their Reading Journal to show what has been read each night. We are very grateful for your support with this.

Our curriculum newsletters each half term will show you what we are going to be learning. 


 Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter.pubDownload
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